Privacy policy.
2.8 Privacy Policy
FWI will maintain the privacy of learners, clients and personnel as befits the strategic direction being pursued by the institute and professional standards. All privacy related communications whether financial, faculty, information technology, marketing, resource, support, personnel, client, or learner related will be identified and communicated with the appropriate consciousness of privacy legislation. The FWI culture favours professional communication and respect for learners, clients, and personnel privacy always. External expertise required to support implementation of this policy will be identified and consulted if required to ensure appropriate privacy provisions are in place always (i.e. Privacy Commissioner). Directors, managers and personnel will be appropriately educated to ensure privacy legislation is upheld always and that they can guide learners and other personnel about privacy as required.
This policy is designed to ensure FWI:
Maintains the privacy of learners, clients, personnel, and stakeholders.
Complies with all privacy laws.
Implements appropriate privacy processes and procedures to achieve FWI’s goals and objectives.
Orientation and Induction
All personnel will be appropriately and professionally orientated and inducted on privacy legislations and expectations regarding privacy informed by their role and position description with a view to meeting institutional vision, mission, goals and objectives and planned strategic plan outcomes.Professional Privacy Standards
Privacy will be upheld appropriately and professionally by all personnel to support learners, clients, and the institutional values, culture, excellence and continuous improvement aspirations.
All personnel will appropriately and professionally maintain learner and personnel privacy informed by their role and position description with a view to meeting institutional vision, mission, goals and objectives and planned strategic plan outcomes.
Privacy will be maintained appropriately for learners, clients, personnel and other stakeholders to support the institutional values, culture, excellence and continuous improvement aspirations.
Documents Supporting Implementation of Policy:
FWI Privacy Guidelines
FWI Professional and Ethical Conduct Code
FWI Confidentiality Agreement
Current Privacy Act Available at: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0028/latest/DLM296639.html
Relevant Legislation:
Education Amendment Act 1989 and subsequent amendments
Privacy Act 2020 and subsequent amendments
See Appendix E for all relevant legislation list
Professional and other compliance requirements as identified in programme documents
Policy Owner:
Responsible for Policy Implementation:
Directors, Management Team, faculty and all personnel
Date Policy Approved: 1st January 2024
Policy Review Due: 1st January 2027